Additional sponsoring groups for your action are listed in the "Sponsors" tab. Those that have accepted your invitation will be listed in the tab with buttons to view statistics and set limits for that group.
Share All Mode
If the action is in "Share All" mode, each group will have a "Total Activists" statistic, which counts the total number of unique activists whose data has been shared with this group from this action, and a "New To List" statistic, which counts the total number of unique activists who were new to that group's list as a result of being shared from this action.
Proportional Mode
If the action is in "Proportional" mode, then two additional statistics will be available. "Referrer" counts the number of unique activists who have taken action on this action using this group's referrer code. It is used to calculate how many activists this group is owed by the proportional algorithm. (A link to this action with a group's referrer code attached can be copied from the link icon next to the group's name in this tab.) And the "Shared" statistic counts the number of new activists given to this group as a result of being owed in the proportional algorithm.
More about the modes and how data sharing works is available here.
Note: Groups invited to sponsor your action who are not Action Network partners will nonetheless be given access to uploads for their group, a feature usually reserved for partners. This will allow them the ability to upload their list from another digital organizing system they may use, for more accurate statistics such as the "New To List" statistic, and for accurate working of the proportional algorithm. Particularly if you're using proportional mode, you should encourage groups to upload their lists, otherwise the algorithm will not work correctly.
Limits on the number of new activists a group can receive from this action can also be set for each group. Click the limit button to open a window that allows you to set and save a limit for each group. Remove the limit and save to remove a limit from a group. (Limits can only be edited by the originally sponsoring group's administrators. Additional sponsor administrators cannot edit their own limits.)
If the group's limit has been reached and the action is in "Share All" mode, new activists who take the action will not be shared with that group. If the action is in "Proportional" mode that group will no longer get activists from the proportional algorithm. You can also limit the activists that a group receives to only be from certain US states. However, this means that a group may receive less activists overall if there aren't enough activists from those states.
Note: It is possible for a group to have counts that rise higher than their limit if they're using their referrer code. Activists who take action with a group's referrer code will be added to that group's list regardless of their limit.
Access to additional sponsors is a partner feature, available to those who make a recurring monthly donation to support our toolset. Click here to contact us to discuss a partnership.