To create a petition, click the Petition button in the Actions tab from the Start Organizing menu.
Fill out the petition's title, your target's name, a description and call to action for your petition to get activists to sign. You can add yourself as the creator or add a custom name as the public facing creator. If you're working in a group, you should select the group that is sponsoring this action from the drop down menu. Whatever group or creator you list here will receive all the data collected through this action. Finally, the letter you will deliver to your petition target.
You can upload a banner image, which will appear below the title and above the description box. Your image should be 1500px wide by any height (600px is suggested). It will be scaled to a final size of 750px wide. You also have the option to add an image attribution, which will appear in small, dark grey text below your image, as well as alt text.
You can use the visual toolbar to customize the appearance of your description text. The following options are available:
- Write your email in HTML
- Format headings left, right, center or justified
- Add text formatting: bold, italicize, or strikethrough
- Create bulleted or numbered lists
- Insert images from links or your computer and add a title/alt text, add image attribution, link the image, change the position or change the width
- Insert a video from a YouTube or Vimeo link or embed code
- Insert and manage a table
- Add links or hyperlinks
- Add a horizontal line rule
Below this, you have the option to add legal disclaimer text. This will appear at the bottom of your action. Basic HTML is accepted.
Show or hide standard fields to remove, say, first name from the form if you do not want to collect it by clicking "Edit Form" and using the visual form builder. You can read more about the visual form builder here. You can also decide whether you want to make the field required or not. Email address and country must always be present and required, as every activist in our system must have an email address and country. You can also create questions with data linked to a specific action using action only fields. Click here to learn more.
You can add in custom form inputs using the visual form builder (explained here) or by writing your own HTML. And you can add an optional image if you choose.
Next, you can add and edit thank you page text, and show or hide the sharing options on thank you pages.
When you're ready, publish your petition to make it live and start collecting signatures.