See here for our advanced uploads video tutorial.
To use any of the Advanced Upload options below, you must have the Advanced Upload permission enabled in the Administrators tab of the Group Manage page. Reach out to an Administrator with the Settings permission to enable this for you.
Resubscribing activists to your email list
By default, if an activist has previously unsubscribed from your list by clicking an unsubscribe link at the bottom of your emails or being unsubscribed in another way, if you upload their name again we will not resubscribe them. However, you can override this default by checking 'Resubscribe activists who have previously unsubscribed to the email list' checkbox.
Upload without subscribing activists to your email list
By default, any new activists that are uploaded to your email list are automatically subscribed. Check off the 'do not subscribe new activists to the email list' and we will upload any new activists as unsubscribed. Any activists already subscribed to your email list will remain subscribed.
Unsubscribing Email Activists
To unsubscribe activists, select the 'Unsubscribe activists from the email list who match in the uploaded file' checkbox. Instead of subscribing activists, we will unsubscribe any activist who matches an email or unique ID in your uploaded file. The upload will appear in your list of uploads, marked as an unsubscribe upload, with counts on how many activists were unsubscribed.
Note that these activists will stay in your database and be target-able by reports, so you won't lose their action history data even though they are unsubscribed.
Subscribe new activists to your list
By default, activists are not automatically opted-in to your mobile messaging list. To subscribe people to your mobile list, select the 'Subscribe only activists who have not previously unsubscribed to the mobile list' checkbox. When you check this box, any activists who are new to your mobile list will be subscribed. Any activists who have unsubscribed to your mobile list will remain unsubscribed.
Subscribing new activists or resubscribe activists to the mobile list
By default, activists are not automatically opted-in to your mobile messaging list. To subscribe new activists to the mobile list or resubscribe folks who have unsubscribed, select the 'Subscribe new activists and resubscribe activists who have unsubscribed to the mobile list' checkbox. You'll need to click the 'Show all options' button to see this under the Mobile section. When you check this box, new activists will be subscribed to your mobile messaging list, as well as previous unsubscribed activists regardless of their prior subscription status.
Be very careful when resubscribing or subscribing activists to email and mobile messaging lists. Resubscribing people who have unsubscribed may get your emails marked as spam and may result in the termination of your Action Network account. Only resubscribe people who definitely want to receive your emails or mobile messages again.
Unsubscribing Mobile Activists
To unsubscribe mobile activists, select the 'Unsubscribe activists from the mobile list who match in the uploaded file' checkbox. Instead of subscribing activists, we will unsubscribe any activist who matches an email, mobile number, or unique ID in your uploaded file. The upload will appear in your list of uploads, marked as an unsubscribe upload, with counts on how many activists were unsubscribed.
Note that these activists will stay in your database and be target-able by reports, so you won't lose their action history data even though they are unsubscribed.
Deleting activists
To delete activists from your email/mobile lists entirely, select the 'Delete activists who match emails/mobiles in the uploaded file' checkbox. You'll need to click the 'Show all options' button to see this under the Other section. This option completely deletes all data on activists including core, custom field, and tag data in addition to email, messaging, and action history. BE CAREFUL! We cannot recover any data you delete.
If your upload has failed for any reason, the administrator who uploaded the file will receive an email notifying them of the issue. This email will contain possible issues with the file and things to try to fix it.