After your action is published, you can edit its text and settings from your management page by clicking the "Edit" button at the top. You'll be able to see if another member of your team is viewing the page. You can refresh the page to see if they're still on. Changes you save will immediately be reflected on your live page. Because of this, you cannot save a published form that is missing required fields.
You can also unpublish or cancel actions once they've been published. Click the "Unpublish" or "Cancel" button on your management page to do so.
Actions such as petitions and forms can be unpublished at any time, or you can schedule this ahead of time after clicking Unpublish. This allows you to set a date and time the action will automatically close. This date will appear in the Status section. This can be changed or removed. You can then republish them if you want to make them live again. Actions such as events (which take RSVPs from users) can only be canceled, and cannot be republished.
Activists who visit the public URL of an unpublished or canceled page will be redirected to our homepage with a note that the action they're trying to reach is no longer available. You can choose to have it redirect to a different page if you'd like. For more information on unpublish redirects, click here.