You can add activists to your list manually by going to the People tab in the Start Organizing menu and clicking Activists. Select the group you're working from, then click the Add New Activist button on the search page, above the results list.
On the next page, enter the activist's information. As is true with all of our forms, email is required. You can also add first and last name, mobile number, address (if you are an Action Network partner), city, state or province, ZIP/postal code, country, and preferred language, as well as tags, a source code, and any custom fields you want.
To add custom fields, choose a custom field column from the list provided and enter the value on the right. Add a new custom field by clicking the Add Custom Field button. If you have permission to edit custom fields, you can also click the "Or, create a new custom field" link to enter a new custom field from scratch if you'd like.
Note: If the custom field you are using has validation and the data an activist enters does not match the validation expression a red error will appear and the form will not be allowed to submit until the error is fixed.
When you're done, click Save & Add Activist to save your work and subscribe the user to your list.
Note: Only subscribe activists to your list who have opted in to receiving your emails. Adding activists who have not opted in and sending spam messages will result in the cancellation of your Action Network account.
If you enter a user that we already have partial information on because our system has a record of their email address or mobile number, when you save the new activists we'll take you to an edit page instead and ask you to edit the activist's record instead of adding them directly. This way you can take advantage of some extra data we may already have (like first name). On the edit page you can change any information you'd like, add new information, and save to add that person to your list.
If the user you're trying to add has a full Action Network account because they're an organizer like you or they've saved their credit card information, you will not be able to modify their personal data like name, address, or email -- only they are able to modify it by logging into their account. On the edit page those fields will be un-editable. However, you can still add tag, custom field, and source code information and save to add them to your list.
If this group is part of a Network, adding a new activists will also subscribe them to the rest of the network above you in the network hierarchy, just like an activists is subscribed to lists above yours when they take action on an action page.