Action Network is committed to helping our partners be GDPR and CCPA compliant. Please review the below carefully to understand actions you may need to take in order to become compliant.
Action Network has always treated privacy and security very seriously as part of our mission to provide tools to the progressive movement in a way that fits our values. Many of the requirements of GDPR and CCPA have been part of our processes and procedures from the beginning. There are additional requirements within the GDPR and CCPA legislation that are new we provide those services to our partners.
It’s important to note that while we have done extensive research and our strategy to meet GDPR and CCPA criteria has been approved by lawyers specializing in data compliance, we are your data processor and cannot provide you legal advice. To achieve GDPR and CCPA compliance you will need more than the technical changes we will enable, and the data processing addendum we will ask you to sign. We recommend all Action Network partners working in the EU or otherwise subject to GDPR or CCPA to obtain their own legal council.
Action Network provides the following:
A Data Processing Addendum
- The Data Processing Addendum (DPA) sets the terms of the relationship between Action Network (the the data processor) and our partners (the data controllers).
- We have provided DPAs for all Action Network partners working in the EU. If you’d like to request a copy, email us at
GDPR-compliant Email Opt In Consent
- We provide a GDPR compliant opt-in consent option for all groups on Action Network. If this option is selected in group settings, all Action Network forms/widgets for the group will show a different style of GDPR-compliant opt in instead of our normal pre-checked checkbox.
- The new opt in option is a required radio button above the action submit button forcing all action takers to select yes or no to be opted in to that group’s list. You can learn more about how to turn it on and what it does here.
GDPR and CCPA-compliant Data Processing Disclosure
- We provide a GDPR and CCPA compliant data processing disclosure settings that you can turn on to append text to the bottom of all actions created by your group explaining your data processing policies, linking to your privacy policy, and other disclosures you may need to show to comply with the laws.
- The option is available on your group's manage page, settings tab, where you can turn it on and write the text you want to display. You can learn more about how to turn it on and what it does here.
The Right to be Forgotten
- We honor all data deletion requests by Action Network partners. Requests can be made to
The Right to Data Portability
- We provide data exports on requested records for Action Network partners. Requests can be made to
If you have any questions, please email us at