Mobile number and mobile messaging opt-in status are core fields, in addition to first name, last name, email address, street address, city, zip code, country, language, and email subscription status.
- Does every activist still need an email address?
- Nope! You can now have mobile only records.
- Will I need a mobile number on my Action Network login profile, and will my phone number be shared with other groups?
- No and no.
- How do I add this question to my forms?
- Just like most other core fields (like name, street address, zip, and city), you can drag and drop the 'Mobile Number' question from the 'pre-built' section of your form builder.
- But wait, there's more! We also have a question called 'Mobile Messaging Opt-in'. This is unchecked by default, unlike email opt-in. It will display like "Opt in to mobile messages from [your group name]. Message and data rates apply. Reply STOP to unsubscribe." You can add your own default text on the 'Settings' tab of your group manage page.
- Does it accept international numbers?
- Yep!
- Where will mobile numbers and mobile messaging subscription status appear on the activist record?
- The mobile number will appear right under email on the top left of the activist record.
- The mobile messaging subscription status will appear on the left side, below where it shows email subscription status.
- What if people enter fake phone numbers like 123-456-7890?
- Our system will catch those and return an error. The form will not able to be submitted. The mobile numbers will also automatically be formatted to standard international style.
- How does the mobile number and opt-in status work in a network?
- The mobile number and opt-in status will flow up the network, like email status does.
- How does this affect my integrations (Mobile Commons, Salesforce, New/Mode, anything I'm doing with the API)?
- It won't affect any of your integrations! If you are using any integrations, you should not start using the new mobile number field until you have talked with the integration provider (otherwise your data will not sync to the correct fields).
- I'm not ready for my network to use this yet. Can I hide this field from my network?
- Yes! On the 'Networks' tab of the parent group, click the red 'Permissions' button. In the 'Details' section, you can disable the 'Phone and Mobile Opt-in Fields', which will make that field unavailable for the group.