We added TWO new core fields — mobile number and mobile messaging opt-in! So what do you do if you already have this data stored in custom fields? Read on.
Note: These instructions do not apply to folks who use custom fields to sync to a mobile messaging tool or other CRM, like Mobile Commons, New/Mode, CallHub, Salesforce, or any of our other integrations. Do not migrate to the new mobile number and mobile messaging opt-in core fields unless you've talked to your integration provider (otherwise your data will not sync to the correct fields).
Step 1: Pull a report that includes all your mobile number and mobile messaging opt-in data. After the targeting page, choose the custom fields whose data you want to download — select any mobile number fields and mobile messaging opt-in fields you have and generate a report.
Step 2: Put your data in Excel/Google Sheets/Numbers. You'll need two different spreadsheets: one for people who have opted-in to mobile messages from you, and one for people who have not opted-in to receive mobile messages from you. You'll need two columns in each of the spreadsheets: one column for email address and one for phone numbers. Export your files as CSVs.
Step 3: Upload your CSV of opted-in phone numbers. During the uploads process, check off the box to "Subscribe new activists or resubscribe activists who have unsubscribed to the mobile list". Unlike email, activists are not automatically subscribed to your mobile messaging list unless you check off this box. On the next page, make sure to select the 'Mobile Number' option when mapping your fields.
Step 4: Now you need to upload your non-opted-in phone numbers. During the uploads process, you may want to check off the Skip all Ladders checkbox. This will prevent these emails from being triggered into any ladders you've created. You should ignore all other checkboxes. On the next page, make sure to select the 'Mobile Number' option when mapping your fields.
Step 5: Go to the Details tab of the Start Organizing menu, and go to your Questions and Custom Fields page. Click the eye to the left of the old question/custom fields to hide them from view. More on hiding here.
Step 6: Go through the list of your group's actions, and update the mobile number and SMS questions on any ongoing actions (petitions, forms, events, letter campaigns, etc).
That's it! You've successfully migrated your custom field to the new core fields.