Click the "Activists" tab to add a new activist to your list or view report results at a glance. You can add a new activist by clicking the 'add activist' button in the upper right.
You can select which report you'd like to view from the drop-down menu, and the page will reload and display the activists in a table. This must be a report that you've previously created.
You have the option to expand the table to 20, 50, or 100 activists on the left and can page through the results.
You can also refresh the targeting or edit the targeting filters. If you selected any queries, you'll be able to preview them and have the option to edit them if necessary. You can search within the report results for core fields like first name or email, you can sort results by core field as well, and you can edit core fields, custom fields, and tags inline on each activist by clicking the edit icon.