The Responses tab allows you to customize auto-responses people may receive if they can't find a target, thank you messages, and notifications. If you haven't customized these yourself, you'll see a yellow dot next to the Responses tab to indicate you're still using our default messages.
Targets Not Found
Call Campaigns have three autoresponders that handle different situations. If a target is not found, they'll recieve the Target Not Found message. We recommend customizing the mobile message so that it includes a form where an activist can fill out their mobile number and full address information, then be prompted to call again with a link in this mobile message. If targets are found and they're already subscribed to your mobile list, you can send them a mobile message thanking them for taking action. If someone is not on your list, you can send a follow up message thanking them for taking action and asking to text in a keyword to join your list. You should already have this keyword set up in a different form. These autoresponders allow you to tailor your responses to people depending on their status on your list.
Thank you auto-response
Once targets have successfully called their targets, they will be sent a thank you auto-response mobile message. You can customize the text or turn off the auto-response.
You can also set up notifications, so you or a colleague receives an email notification when an activist makes a call.