Traditional call-in call campaigns
On your call campaign manage page, you'll see a box on the right side that has the phone number connected to this call campaign. You can copy and paste this number into your emails, mobile messages, or other communications to spread the word about your call campaign. When activists click the phone number on their mobile phones, they'll automatically call the number.
Activists with a mobile number on their activist record and enough address information to be matched to targets will successfully be connected to targets. All others will be asked for their address in order to be connected to targets.
You can easily target emails, messages, and reports by which activists will match to a target. Use the 'Letter/Call Campaign Targets' drop-box under the Geography section of the targeting page.
Click-to-call call campaigns
For click-to-call, simply direct your activists to your action page (you can use the direct link on the action manage page). Activists will receive a call from your long code and be connected to targets. Activists can also dial the call campaign number directly, as in the traditional, non-click to call version.