To view all your Keywords across your group, go to the Details menu and select Keywords. You'll be able to see the Keywords you've set up, the type of action it's linked to, as well as linked to the manage page for the ladders and the specific action it's being used with.
Keywords allow your activists to text to take action on petitions, forms, events, and call campaigns. If you have a mobile messaging partnership, you can use keywords on some of your actions. This allows activists to text things like 'JOIN' or 'RSVP' to your phone number, which counts as them taking action. For more on mobile messaging partnerships, click here.
Texting a keyword will function just like someone taking action online. After they text the keyword, they will receive an auto-response email if their email address is on the activist record. If this is used with a call campaign, they will automatically dial the number to be connected to a target. They will be recorded as taking action in the reporting tab for the action, and the action thermometer will be counted up. The source code for that action will be recorded as the keyword the activist texted in, such as keyword:join.
After seeting up a keyword for this action, you can enable a Mobile Message auto-response for people who took action by texting in the keyword. If this is enabled, activists who took action via webform would receive an email autoresponse, while activists who texted in their action would receive the mobile autoresponse. If a keyword is texted in and the mobile autoresponse is turned off, but email default is turned on and the activist has an email on file, they will receive the email. The mobile auto-response option will be unchecked by default.
If you would like the activist to receive a more robust stream of messages after texting the keyword, use ladders.
ββTo add a keyword, navigate to your Action Manage page and click 'Edit Keywords' at the top, under the title. Type the word that you'd like to appear as a keyword and add each individually to the list. The keywords are deduplicated across your group, are *not* case sensitive and you can have as many as you'd like. For example, someone could text "join" or "Join" or "JOIN" and all those keywords would work. As you add keywords to individual actions, you can view them under the 'active keywords' section of the Action Manage page, and click the X to remove them if you'd like.
You can also view your active keywords on the sidebar of the action manage page, beneath the action counter. Click the X to remove any keywords you don't want. You can also view an action's keyword on the Actions tab of your group manage page.
In the Mobile Message Inbox, you'll be able to filter replies by keyword. Click Apply Filters at the bottom of the left column. You'll be able to limit the inbox to show only conversations with people who have texted in a specific keyword to take action. For example, filtering by keyword VOTE will display all messages from people who texted in the keyword VOTE to take an action. If you use both the Keyword and Message Sent filter, people who appear in either filtered segment will appear.
If you unpublish actions or cancel events, those keywords will no longer trigger that action. If someone were to text that keyword to your number, they would be sent to the Mobile Message Inbox.
Note: Keywords can only be used with petition, event, or form action types. Keywords cannot be used if an action has multiple sponsors. If your group is using a shared short code, the keywords will be deduplicated across all groups sharing the short code, meaning a keyword can only be active by one group at a time.