You can upload events that have hosts and/or sponsors to your event campaign. These uploaded events will show up in your ZIP/postal code (or city) searches on your event campaign's manage page, just like every other event in the event campaign. For example, if your field staff has given you a spreadsheet of events they are hosting, instead of asking them to create those events online one by one, you can upload a spreadsheet with hosts and hosting duties already assigned.
For our video tutorial on uploading full events to an event campaign, click here.
To upload fully hosted events, click the "Upload Locations/Events" tab on your event campaign's manage page. Under the fully hosted events section, choose your file to upload and click the "Upload" button to process your file.
Uploaded files must be in .csv format. You can save your spreadsheet as a CSV in Microsoft Excel or similar programs, by choosing "Save As."
Your file also must have the exact column headings we require:
- "event_title" is the title of your event that shows up in search (ex: Protest at the Capitol). It is required.
- "administrative_title" is an administrative internal title for the event (ex: Washington Country Rally). The column heading is required, but filling out the information for each event is optional.
- "location_name" indicates the name of the location (ex: New York State Capitol). It is required.
- "address" is the street address for your location. It is required.
- "city" is the city for your location. It is required
- "state" is the two letter postal abbreviation for your location (ex: NY for New York). It is required if the event is in the US. If your event is not in the US, you must still have the "state" column, but you can leave the cells blank.
- "zip" is the five digit ZIP code of your location. It is required.
- "country" is the two digit country code for the event (ex: CA for Canada). The column heading is required, but filling out the information for each event is optional. If blank, will default to US.
- "time" is the local time of the event, in 24 hour format (ex: 14:00 for 2pm). It is required.
- "date" is the date of the event in standard date format (ex: 10/1/2014 for October 1st, 2014). Must be in the future. It is required.
- "host" is the email address associated with the Action Network account of the event host. The column heading is required, but you can fill in data for either "host" or "sponsor" for each event. Having either a host or sponsor for each event is required, though both can be used at once. If both host and sponsor are blank (or are invalid), the host will be assigned to the account who is uploading the events.
- "sponsor" is a link to a group on action network sponsoring the event. (ex: column heading is required, but you can fill in data for either "host" or "sponsor" for each event. Having either a host or sponsor for each event is required, though both can be used at once. If both host and sponsor are blank (or are invalid), the host will be assigned to the account who is uploading the events. You must be an administrator of the group to assign it events to sponsor.
- "host_contact_info" is a public field for contact information for the host (ex: Call 310.123.4567 or email The column heading is required, but filling out the information for each event is optional.
- "attendee_pitch" is the text attendees will see before they RSVP to that event -- you can use HTML if you'd like. The column heading is required, but filling out the information for each event is optional. If blank, the event campaign default will be used.
- "attendee_instructions" is the instructions activists see after they RSVP -- you can use HTML if you'd like. The column heading is required, but filling out the information for each event is optional. If blank, the event campaign default will be used.
You can download a sample .csv file that you can open up in Excel or something similar and use as a template by clicking the "Download the location .csv template here" link underneath the upload button in the locations/events upload tab.
You can also upload additional optional fields if you'd like, including every field events contain. A sample file with all fields listed is available here. The additional optional fields are:
- "custom_fields" is HTML for custom field input that appears in the sidebar form, allowing activists to enter additional custom field data.
- "private" indicates whether the event is private and should be hidden from ZIP code search. Accepted values are true or false. Default is false.
- "rsvp_limit" indicates whether the event should have a limit on RSVPs, after which no more RSVPs are allowed. Any positive number is an acceptable value.
- "automatic_notifications" indicates whether this event will send automatic 24-hour notifications before the event. Accepted values are true or false. Default is true.
- "display_sharing_options" indicates whether sharing options should be displayed on the event's thank you page. Accepted values are true or false. Default is true.
- "submit_button_title" is the text of the submit button for the event.
- "end_date" is the end date of the event in standard date format (ex: 10/1/2014 for October 1st, 2014).
- "end_time" is the local end time of the event, in 24 hour format (ex: 14:00 for 2pm).
- "disable_discussions" indicates whether the discussion board is active for the event. Accepted values are true or false. Default is false.
- "reminder_message" is the HTML of the automatic 24-hour reminder email. Default language will be used if blank.
- "reminder_from" is the from line of the automatic 24-hour reminder email. Default language will be used if blank.
- "reminder_subject" is the subject line of the automatic 24-hour reminder email. Default language will be used if blank.
- "reminder_reply_to" is the reply-to email address of the automatic 24-hour reminder email. Default language will be used if blank.
- "allow_guests" indicates whether activists can bring guests to the event, allowing them to enter a number of guests they're bringing on the RSVP form. Accepted values are true or false. Default is false.
- "language" indicates the language of the event. Accepted values are English (en), Danish (da), Dutch (nl), Finnish (fi), French (fr), German (de), Indonesian (id), Japanese (ja), Moldovan (mo), Portuguese (pt-BR), Russian (ru), Spanish (es), Swedish (sv), Turkish (tr), and Welsh (cy). Default is English.
- "redirect_url" indicates where activists should be redirected after RSVPing instead of the default thank you page. Should be a URL.
- "email_response" indicates whether activists should receive an autoresponse after they RSVP. Accepted values are true or false. Default is true.
- "response_message" is the HTML of the autoresponse email. Default language will be used if blank.
- "response_from" is the from line of the autoresponse email. Default language will be used if blank.
- "response_subject" is the subject line of the autoresponse email. Default language will be used if blank.
- "response_reply_to" is the reply-to email address of the autoresponse email. Default language will be used if blank.
- "twitter_share" is the tweet text use in sharing options on the event thank you page and autoresponse email.
- "email_share" is the email copy-and-paste text use in sharing options on the event thank you page and autoresponse email.
- "facebook_title" is the title of the Facebook share use in sharing options on the event thank you page and autoresponse email.
- "facebook_link" is the URL of the page to share on Facebook in sharing options on the event thank you page and autoresponse email.
- "facebook_description" is the description of the Facebook share use in sharing options on the event thank you page and autoresponse email.
- "direct_link" is the direct link to be used use in sharing options on the event thank you page and autoresponse email.
- "is_accessible" is an optional field that allows you to indicate if your event is accessible. If you're hosting an accessible event, enter TRUE into this field.
- "accessibility_text" is an optional field that allows you to note how your event is accessible. Activists will see this when they RSVP to your event. You can learn more about how to make a rally or march accessible here. You can learn how to create an accessible meeting or party here.
We will automatically de-duplicate events by location, date, and time, so an event with the same values but slightly different locations, dates, or times will appear as another event.
After you click the upload button, we will show you a counter with the percentage of your upload that has been processed. Large uploads may take a few minutes to finish. We'll email you when your upload is completed or if there are errors processing your upload. If there are errors, we'll do our best to tell you where those errors were so you can fix your file and upload again.
Once you've uploaded full events they will appear in the ZIP/postal code search and in your manage events section just like any other event.
You can also delete all current uploaded events by clicking the "Delete All Hosted Events" button. This will not delete any events that have been hosted by others using the normal host form, or any uploaded events that now have RSVPs. Only events you've uploaded with no RSVPs will be removed.