You can use ladders to follow up with activists after they take action. In this example, we'll follow up with both an email and a mobile message.
- Create a ladder using the template. The trigger should be the specific action you want to follow up on. If you want the follow-up email or mobile message to only go to activists who texted a keyword to take action versus signing up via the form online, check off the box to 'only trigger if activists took action via mobile message'. Otherwise, every activist regardless of how they took action will be triggered into the ladder.
- Click the plus button to add a new wait step. Set the wait period to one day.
- Add an action step to send an email, thanking people for taking action and sending them follow up information.
- Add an action step to send a mobile message. This will send at the same time as the email.
And you're done! Make sure to save the ladder and test it.